A rare newspaper article from January 29, 1878 is the exception that proves the rule: EVEN THE BEAUTIFUL SEX: In the street Riachuelo, the night before last, Isabel Maria da Conceição, known as Baby, Ana Clara Maria de Andrade, and Deolinda, slave of D. Bandeira de Gouveia, were arrested for being in a fuerce fight, so much had they fought, in fact, that they appeared to be exhausted. Isabel and Ana spend their lives fighting; hence, they challenge whoever directs towards them a disagreeable word and in any fight show themselves to be experts in capoeiragem. (quoted in Soares 1999: 303).12
12 “ATÉ O BELO SEXO. Na rua do Riachuelo, antehontem a noite, Isabel Maria da Conceição, vulgo Nené, Ana Clara Maria de Andrade, e Deolinda, escrava de D. Bandeira de Gouveia, foram presas por estarem em renhida luta, e tanto haviam brigada que pareciam estar sem forças. Isabel e Ana passão a vida a brigar; e para isso desafiam quem lhes dirige qualquer palavra desagradável, e quando empenham qualquer luta mostram ser peritas na capoeiragem.” (Soares 1999: 303).
Fuente: FUENTE: HARD PLAY: CAPOEIRA AND THE POLITICS OF INEQUALITY IN RIO DE JANEIRO, KATYA WESOLOWSKI, Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy under the Executive Committee of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 2007
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